Tim Turner's Weight Loss!

Welcome to the weight loss blog from Tim Turner.

You will find much weight loss and dieting information that will guide your steps on the way in losing weight!
Here are some healthy tips and free help and advice to help you loose weight fast in a healthy and natural way.

It's Time To Start Your Diet Today!

How to Really Make Your Diet Work For You By: Stanislav Karpunin

First of all, you need to understand, that your body needs a proper Balanced Nutrition Diet, with a proper daily amount of: vitamins, proteins, minerals and carbohydrates.

Get into a habit of eating exactly 3 Meals a day.

1. Eat breakfast within one hour of starting.
Have a well balance breakfast that provides at least 30 percent of the total power pack energy and nutrition needed to sustain the human body during the whole day. Thats why it is very important to have a proper breakfast and do not plan to skip it.

2. Have a healthy low-fat lunch snack.
Have a healthy snack in your lunch time, low fat yogurt for example, to keep your energy running.

3. Have your dinner three hours before your bedtime.
Have a Proper dinner three hours before your bedtime; never go to bed on a full stomach.

Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. 2 liters of water a day would help your body to burn calories more effectively and to get rid of toxins.

Exercising is a "KEY".
By exercising, it gives your body the an advantage of many healthy- physiological benefits such as:

Elevating your metabolism for weight control by so that you burn more calories.
The Boost in your energy level
Strengthening of your heart and lungs
Improvement in your self-image and self-confidence.

So, don't forget to exercise at least 10 minutes a day.

Try to avoid using fats. Try to keep the fat level in your cooking as low as possible.

Make Calcium your friend. Include as much calcium as you can in your daily diet by eating:

Sunflower Seeds

And other sources of calcium. Calcium is a crucial element for bone metabolism. Calcium deficiency is very common. The so called "Average" American diets  do not even come close to remotely meeting the normal calcium requirements for daily intake:

425 mg. a day for Men

450 mg. a day for Women

So, to sum it up:
1. Have exactly 3 meals a day
2. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day
3. Exercise at least 10 minutes a day
4. Avoid fats
5. Make calcium your friend

By following 5 simple rules, you can be losing weight in no time.

Author Bio
The WellnessWorx.net markets only quality, weight-management, nutrition and personal health care products created by WellnessPro leading industry experts. Weight-loss can be a pleasure!

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